You are now passing through a galactic portal into a vast domain of knowledge based on a major new discovery, the Law of Time.
Great discoveries occur because the time demands them. The more urgent the need, the more necessary is the discovery. The Law of Time was unearthed to facilitate an unprecedented shift in human consciousness. Only by such a shift can the global crisis be resolved and surmounted.
By 2012, according to the Law of Time, we must be ready for this shift, the unparalleled transition into the next stage of our evolution, the noosphere. This signifies the attainment of a unified field of planetary consciousness.
To change human consciousness, one preliminary step is to change the human macroprogram - the calendar. The most practical application of the Law of Time is the Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar. With this elegant tool, the Law of Time lays the foundation for the reformulation of the human mind - the coming of the noosphere. But this is only the beginning of the adventure in time.
Explore with us on this site the on-going revelations of the Galactic Research Institute. Enter a new cosmically elevated perception of reality which is already transforming the way we think of ourselves, our planet, our universe.
Whoever you are, whatever your beliefs, if your cause is for a just future, a regenerated planetary environment, peace, spiritual unity and the furtherance of art and culture, then join with us in the excitement of participating in the discovery and creation of a New Time of Peace on planet Earth.